Monday, August 20, 2007


I have always loved Sigur Rós. From the first minute I saw the Untitled #1 video on MTV:New 5 years ago (when we still had MTV Europe here) I knew this music was something different. I don't think I had ever heard anything of such beauty before and the incredible video that accompanied it is still one of my favorite music videos.
I listened to their ( ) and Agaetis Byrjun albums alot back in high school and their latest one, Tàkk (2005), was also in quite a fit shape to rev my music engine.
Lately it has been pretty quiet around these guys though and while working on a new album, it seems they are now preparing the release of a soundtrack for an Icelandic documentary they did back in 2002, called 'Hlemmur'.
They recently put some of those songs on their MySpace for a quick listen and ofcourse I couldn't resist uploading one i liked. This one is called 'Oskaborn Sjosarinnar' and I will possibly get sewed for this.

Sigur Rós - Oskaborn Sjosarinnar

PS: If you don't already, please buy one (or more) of their records, you won't regret it.

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