Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Rescue

Back again. It's been over a week already! Let's see what I've been cooking for you all.

For starters, I've got this cool remix from a US band called Ra Ra Riot. They did a good job with the song, cause it hasn't become your typical 5234th HiP eLeCtrO DaNceY ReMix FrOm a RocKsOnG track. Well, actually it IS a hip electro dancey remix from a rocksong.. but it's just a really good one, K?

Ra Ra Riot - Each Year (RAC Mix)

The Twang is an upcoming rock band from the UK that seems to have been hyped some time ago by worldwide feared UK music magazine NME (responsible for many cRaZy hypes, like that nu rave thing they were trying to pull). On The Twang's Last FM page I saw some hate against them, but hey, doesn't really matter cause this is just a good and catchy song.

The Twang - Two Lovers

Next we have an old track from one of our favorite Belgian bands; Tomàn. It seems the West-Flemish Post-rockers were a bit more poppy-minded 4 years ago when they recorded their EP 'Malin Head'. This EP includes a fun little song called 'Thunderbirds' (which is also downloadable on their website) and it's interesting to hear how they have evolved over this relatively short period of time.

Tomàn - Thunderbirds

Last, a tip: Explosions In The Sky have a free downloadable album (The Rescue) on their website. I know I know, It's been there for a very long time, but I never checked it out cause I thought it would be crappy (for some reason I didn't trust an album that carried songs with names like Day One and Day Two). It's not their best album (has some great moments though), but it's cool to hear cause the songs are under the normal EITS-length so they had to step away from their long building-up-to-a-climax trademark. MIFW-need-to-check tips: Day Two and Day Five.

Monday, August 20, 2007


I have always loved Sigur Rós. From the first minute I saw the Untitled #1 video on MTV:New 5 years ago (when we still had MTV Europe here) I knew this music was something different. I don't think I had ever heard anything of such beauty before and the incredible video that accompanied it is still one of my favorite music videos.
I listened to their ( ) and Agaetis Byrjun albums alot back in high school and their latest one, Tàkk (2005), was also in quite a fit shape to rev my music engine.
Lately it has been pretty quiet around these guys though and while working on a new album, it seems they are now preparing the release of a soundtrack for an Icelandic documentary they did back in 2002, called 'Hlemmur'.
They recently put some of those songs on their MySpace for a quick listen and ofcourse I couldn't resist uploading one i liked. This one is called 'Oskaborn Sjosarinnar' and I will possibly get sewed for this.

Sigur Rós - Oskaborn Sjosarinnar

PS: If you don't already, please buy one (or more) of their records, you won't regret it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

By Then It Was Summer

Well well.. That's been quite a long time, hasn't it?
So it seems like I'm getting back into ThA ViBe again. With 'ThA ViBe' I am, ofcourse, referring to the sharing of absolutely great yet sadly unloved music on this semi-abandonned musicblog.

Now, I'm not going to start with real big posts over here yet, so hold your horses (for now)! It'll be just some small ones at first to get things on the roll again.
I haven't discussed this yet with the other posterman called Broux, but I'm guessing he likes the idea of an occasional post aswell.. Or do you not, ye ol' scurvy seadog who ROCKS MY SOCKS OFF AMEN TO THAT FFSBROUXIMISSYOURSCENT BE MY BRIDE?

We'll see.

To end this little announcement of mine, I'm posting a music video that kinda blew me off my comfy chair this evening. Old sepia coloured footage from cute spacedog Laika and his other animal friends has never looked so dramatic and inhumane. This is a video you should check out, by the Irish post-rock band God Is An Astronaut, for the song Fragile.

BTW: Tomorrow, the MIFW crew is going to a free show of the Belgian band Tomàn in Der Machine in Leuven, so i'll probably post a quick update about how that went.